Lets talk about EXPECTATIONS. Each of us have been expecting different things at some point in our lives and the fact that EXPECTATIONS ALWAYS HURT is somewhat true coz when you start expecting you start thinking that everything is going to happen according to your expectations, the way you have thought of. But when the things don't work the same way we had expected we that bright light of HOPE starts dimming out like the sunset; one by one each ray of sunlight starts to fade away and darkness takes over, the same way when our expectations break we start losing BRIGHT LIGHT OF FAITH AND HOPE☄
But the point is, "We plan and Allah plans; and surely Allah is the best of planners."❤
So why can't we accept the things the way Allah Has planned for us?? Why we complicate things by expecting too much and then complaining that we got hurt.
Isn't it better to get surprised by something rather than being hurt by the expectations you had??
And, another thing would be the way that why not we start EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED.
What do you think whether expecting the unexpected would make it less or more probable?? Do share your opinion :))
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