You know there comes a time when you have to choose whether you want to let go or just stay stuck at that same point. You know this time might make you feel that all things you have done and all the things you had planned about aren't going to happen now at all, the things that have been on your mind since such a long time and now what happened?? This is what you thought of?? This is what you had imagined?? No... so the thing is that there comes a time in our life we have to LET GO even if it's killing us to let it. Isn't it better to get through all the pain just at once rather you get through that pain every day. It might not be easy, it might hurt you alot, it might break your heart but at least you would be free from a cage of midway that doesn't let you live your life peacefully.
You are strong, and if you think you aren't Allah will make you strong.❤
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