●Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest●(Qur'an 13: 28).
Mention your problems to your Allah, he is the bestest healer! 🌹
You shall see the results of prayers at the right time, just never give up. What is planned by the best of planners is indeed THE BESTEST POSSIBLE that could happen for us. All what is being tested is your PATIENCE AND BELIEF. Just as you expect the results of medicines by taking them when required, expect good and believe in your prayers, they will be answered, that's a promise by ALLAH (S.W.T). THE KEY: is to endure with patience . Afterall, it takes time for miracles to happen no matter what the condition is, PRAY AND BELIEVE ! SO THAT IT CHANGES IN SHA ALLAH ♥ .
And Never underestimate the power of prayer ♥ SENDING LOVE, HEALING AND LOTS OF PRAYERS YOUR WAY. . .
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